Our Mission                              ~Who We Are ~
Our mission is to provide the martial arts and sciences an organization rooted in tradition, innovative to find improvement and committed to preserving legacies through sharing of knowledge, and training of various combat sciences throughout world. In partnership with all like-minded organizations, The Freestyle Judo South Africa Organization Alliance (FJSAOA) provides exceptional training, empowers to view beyond perceived limitations, and embodies the mind, spirit and body of Freestyle Judo (Kodokan Judo), Judo and Bushido.


Our Values                            ~ What We Believe In ~
We are committed to being a member-focused organization whose environment is characterized by Rectitude, Courage, Benevolence, Respect, Veracity, Honor, and Loyalty. We are open to all individuals who subscribe to our Values.


Our Vision                         ~Where We Are Going ~
By living our mission and values, The Freestyle Judo South Africa Organization Alliance (FJSAOA) will be the recognized leader in the Martial Arts and Sciences, setting the standard by which all will be compared: service, to which all will be measured; and member satisfaction, to which all will aspire. We will be the first choice for a broad range of individual and organizational growth needs.



What We Offer                                 ~  Our Goal and Purpose~

Freestyle Judo (Kodokan Judo) the way it ought to be training program that scales up from the novice white belt level to the advanced black belt Dan levels. We focus on assisting children, teens amd adults in achieving an overall sense of wellbeing through getting them to be fitter, disciplined and gain large amounts of confidence by helping them to push through their perceived limits and to reward them for the effort that they have put into the martial art.


The main reason to train a Freestyle Judo is to develop ones self and doing so will improve :

    We protect our lives and possessions from injustice and danger.
    We promote our physical and spiritual health and enjoy strong bodies and sound minds through rigorous Judo training.
    We strive to be of better character through endurance and hard work.


Eight Codes of Bushido and Freestyle Judo

The Eight Codes of Bushido  apply to all members and are meant to guide the Freestyle Judo practitioner. All members meaning of the codes.

  • Righteousness (, gi)

(Believe in justice, not from other people, but from yourself. )

  • Heroic Courage (,

( It is living life completely, fully and wonderfully. Heroic courage is not blind. It is intelligent and strong.)

  • Benevolence, Compassion (, jin)

(Through intense training and hard work the true Judoka becomes quick and strong. They help their fellow Judoka, Friend and stranger at every opportunity)

  • Respect (, rei)

(True Judoka have no reason to be cruel and do not need to prove their strength. Judoka’s are not only respected for their strength on the mat, but also by their dealings with others)

  • Honesty (, makoto

(When a Judoka say that they will perform an action, it is as good as done. Nothing will stop them from completing what they say they will do. They do not have to ‘give their word’. Speaking and doing are the same action)

  • Honour (名誉, meiyo)

(Decisions they make and how these decisions are carried out are a reflection of who they truly are. A Judoka have only one judge of honor and character, and this is themselves)

  • Duty and Loyalty (忠義, chūgi)

(Judoka’s are responsible for everything that they have done and everything that they have said and all of the consequences that follow. They are immensely loyal to all of those in their care (new Beginners,lower grades and visitors). To everyone that they are responsible for, they remain fiercely true) 

  • Self-Control (自制, jisei)

(It is the ability of a Judoka to regulate one’s emotions, thoughts, and behavior in the face of temptations and impulses


Seven Tenets of  Freestyle Judo

  1. Integrity  
  2. Concentration
  3. Perseverance
  4. Respect & Obedience 
  5. Self-Control
  6. Humility
  7. Indomitable Spirit