The rules are set to ensure the safety of all competitors No exceptions!!
From its inception, Judo has been comprised of standing techniques and groundwork. Shichitei Judo has always emphasized the cultivation of the latter, strong Newaza. From the third tournament in 1954, Shichitei rules permit students to use Hikikomi to pull the opponent straight into Newaza. Also, Shichitei Judo emphasizes the uninterrupted flow of matches, allowing players to fully demonstrate their prowess by flexibly using the mat space in and outside the competition area to the greatest extent possible. Contestants are expected to understand the principles underlying these rules and compete with dignity and respect for their opponents.
For Shichitei Judo (Kosen Judo) Tournament Rules, see the following documents:
- Shichitei Judo Shiai Rules (UNOFFICIAL TRANSLATION)
- Shichitei Judo Cheat Sheet
- Shichitei Judo Rules (Japanese)
Early textbook on Kosen Judo showing armlocks, chokes.
Shichitei Judo Shiai Rules:
Cheat Sheet
A. Tournament Rules
1. A Shichitei Judo Tournament is a team Shiai.
2. There is a Captains and Judges Conference (CJC) the day before the tournament to decide the match pairings and order of matches by lottery.
3. Each men’s team submits a roster of 15 players and 5 alternates no later than the CJC. The women’s team is composed of 5 players.
4. The tournament format is double elimination for men’s teams and single elimination for women’s teams.
5. The Teams compete in a Kachi-Nuki Sen format similar to “King of the Hill”. This means that the winner of a match stays on the mat to fight the next opponent. A player who loses or draws leaves the mat.
6. The victor is the team left with one or more players when the last opposing player loses or draws.
7. If there is a draw, there shall be 3 sudden-death overtime matches. For the final round, however, there is no limit on the number of overtime matches.
8. Each match is run by a Head Judge who holds the final decision on most matters (except awarding penalties).
9. Two Assistant Judges shall observe the match from outside the competition area.
10. The Judges shall be selected from the pool of candidates provided by the schools not competing in the match.
B. Player Qualifications
11. To qualify, a player must be a currently enrolled undergraduate (or undergraduate who entered graduate school early). To ensure adequate competition, for the
women’s team, the roster may be supplemented with the undergraduate athletes of other schools.
12. The player must where a Judo Gi that meets the following criteria:
- The jacket must cover the buttocks.
- The sleeves must have 5cm of slack and extend to the midpoint of the forearm
- The pant legs must have 7cm of slack and extend to the midpoint of the lower leg.
- The belt must have 15cm of length on each end below the knot.
C. Scoring
13. A player may only win the match by scoring Ippon.
14. A score of Ippon shall be awarded for the following:
- Nagewaza (throw) landing the opponent squarely on the back (basic interpretation identical to Kodokan)
- Osaekomi (pin) for 30 seconds
- Ude Kansetsuwaza (elbow lock) forcing the opponent to tap out or causing a referee stoppage to prevent injury
- Shimewaza (choke) forcing the opponent to tap or rendering the opponent unconscious
15. A score of Wazari shall be awarded where:
- The player cleanly throws the opponent, but not squarely onto the back
- Osaekomi is held for 25-29 seconds
16. The Head Judge shall award Ippon to a player who scores a second Wazari.
(Wazari x 2 = Ippon). This means that a player with Wazari only needs to pin for 25 seconds to win the match.
17. If competition time runs out and no player has scored Ippon, the match is a draw—even where one player scored Wazari.
D. Player Conduct
18. There is no Matte rule for non-progress in Newaza, so once the players enter groundwork, the match may continue on the ground until the match ends.
If one player gets up and walks away, however, the Head Judge may call, “Matte” and restart the players from the standing position.
19. There are no rules on how to grip the opponent. It is permitted to do anything except stick fingers inside the opponent’s Gi sleeve (due to risk of injury).
20. There are no rules on posture. Players may bend over.
21. It is permitted to pull the opponent directly into groundwork, using Hikikomi or other means. The player entering Newaza directly must engage the opponent, grabbing him before dropping onto the mat. A player who sits directly onto the mat without gripping the opponent may be cautioned with “Chui”.
22. The rules expressly allow the players to maintain a single side collar and arm grip and to grab the opponent’s leg defensively.
23. A player on the ground may figure four his opponent’s leg or otherwise wrap his legs around the opponent’s leg (including the lockdown) even if it causes
stalemate. (However, applying pressure in a way that attacks the leg joints would still be illegal.)
24. The emphasis is on the uninterrupted flow of the match, so the Head Judge should allow the players to stray out of bounds to the greatest extent safely possible.
25. Where the players have gone out of bounds and continued action is impossible or risky, the Head Judge may call, “Sono Mama”. This effectively tells the players to
freeze. They must halt action and retain their relative positions. For Newaza, the three judges shall drag the players back into the competition area. For Tachiwaza, the players may walk themselves back while retaining grips and relative positions. The Head Judge shall call out, “Yoshi”, to restart the match and may simultaneously slap the players.
26. Where it is impossible or not meaningful for the players to retain their current positions, the Head Judge may call, “Matte”.
27. Fouls are defined in Rule #26.
28. Head Judge may award a “Chui” (caution), “Keikoku” (warning), or “Hansoku Make” (Forfeit) against a player who commits a foul. If the same player is penalized a second “Chui”, it shall be upgraded to a Keikoku. A Keikoku is treated as if the other player scored Wazari. Two Keikoku or a Keikoku and a Wazari ends the match and victory is granted to the other player.
29. If a player commits a penalty that injures the other player, the Head Judge may award Hansoku Make regardless of what foul was committed.
30. Where a player wins because of a foul, but is unable to continue to fight, the judges may allow the team to substitute another player from the list of alternates.
Comment: It is common for the teams to employ a strategy of having weak players try to draw and strong players try to win. So, the weaker or younger players will
quickly turtle if faced with a strong adversary or bad position. They will seek to ride out the other player’s attempts to defeat their turtle. The strong players will attempt to either defeat the weaker player’s turtle or stand up and force a restart of the match.
Warning: Thiact meeting the below criteria shall be deemed a foul and shall be penalized as described below:
Any foul meeting the criteria of subsections 1-6.2 shall be deemed Hansoku Make.
1. Any violent act that violates the spirit of Judo.
2. Any throw executed while the player entangles his leg with his opponents ins Cheat Sheet is not an official Shichitei Judo document.
Please refer to the official rules for definitive guidance.
Rule #26 (Infractions) as of 23 June 2014:
Rule #26
Any act meeting the below criteria shall be deemed a foul and shall be penalized as described below:
Any foul meeting the criteria of subsections 1-6.2 shall be deemed Hansoku Make.
1. Any violent act that violates the spirit of Judo.
2. Any throw executed while the player entangles his leg with his opponents in Kawazu Kake fashion where Tori’s leg is inserted between the opponent’s legs
and then hooks the outside of one leg.
3. Intentionally attacking any joint other than the elbow.
4. Attacking the opponent’s joint after the Head Judge calls “Matte”.
5. Initiating a throw against the opponent with Uchimata, Hanegoshi, or Haraigoshi by wrapping their arm and body around the player’s body and then bending
6. From the standing position, executing a throw while simultaneously applying a shoulder lock.
6.2. Execution of Kani Basami (a scissor leg or crab leg) takedown.
A penalty of Keikoku or Hansoku Make shall be awarded for any act meeting the criteria defined in subsections 7-11:
7. Any act which risks bodily harm to the opposing player.
8. Any comment or swear that violates the spirit of Judo.
9. Sweeping opponent’s standing leg from in between his legs (from behind) when being attacked with Haraigoshi or Uchimata.
10. Any act that risks injury to the neck or spine of either player.
11. When grabbed from behind, the player seizes the opponent and throws himself and the opponent together backwards.
12. Intentionally exiting the competition area.
13. Intentionally pushing an opponent outside of the competition area.
14. Avoiding engaging with the opponent.
15. Any technique other than a joint lock executed after the Head Judge calls “Matte”.
16. Failure to obey the Head Judge’s instructions.
17. Using the legs to squeeze the opponent’s head, neck or torso with force.
18. Intentionally slamming an opponent into the tatami who the player either lifted up from the ground (while fighting from his back) or who had been hugging the
player while in the air.
19. Kicking free the opponent’s grip on the player’s Judo gi or belt using the player’s foot, knee or any part of the leg.
20. Maintaining a grip with the player’s fingers intertwined with the fingers of the opposing player.
21. Intentionally adjusting the player’s uniform or re-tying the belt without permission.
22. Wrapping the Judo jacket hem or the end of the belt around the arm of the opponent more than once.
23. Directly contact the opponent’s face with a hand or leg.
24. Directly placing a foot on the belt or collar while executing a Newaza or jamming an opponent’s fingers backwards to free them.
25. Repeatedly leaving the competition area without paying attention.
26. Gripping fewer than three of the opponent’s fingers.
The rules are set to ensure the safety of all competitors No exceptions.
1: Weight Divisions: Men: U/73 kg, U/81 kg, U/90 kg, U/100 kg, O/100
Women: U/50 kg, U/63 kg, U/70kg, O/70kg
Boys & Girls u/16: U/45, U/50kg, U/60, U/73kg, U/81kg, O/81kg
Boys & Girls u/13: u/35kg, u/45kg, u/55kg, u/65kg, u/70kg, o/70k
Boys & Girls (starting at 7)-u/10: u/27kg, u/35kg, u/45kg, u/55kg, o/55kg
2: Match times: Men & Women 3 minutes kids 2min?. Novice, (no previous contests). Depending on numbers.
3: Dress Regulations & Safety Guards: All players are to wear the traditional Gi / judo / jujutsu / BJJ uniform (As long as the patches does not interfere with the grappling). Mouth-guard, groin protectors are optional.
4: Scoring Victory:
- Forced tap out by submission either by (choke, arm lock & straight leg-lock)
- Disqualification of opponents who leave the red area 3 times.
- Opponent taps out or yells out stop.
- No score obtained “a draw”
- Referee’s discretion to the safety of the players.
- Finals only advantage score win, given after golden score match by the center judge
(On the day or Prior to the Tournament notification, this will be the discretion of the Tournament Committee and Organizers)
Rules for Kosen Division of the FJSAOA
1. Matches will start standing.
2. Standing attacks with leg grabbing are permitted.
3. Guard pulling (hikikomi) is permitted—not to be mistaken for guard jumping or BJJ style sitting guards without grips.
4. All gripping types and grip breaking techniques are permitted, including two-handed grip breaking.
5. Competitors will only be stood up if both are entangled in some form of guard with neither one attempting to improve their position, or if one competitor is left on the mat after the other has stood up and completely disengaged from ne-waza.
It will be scored in the following manner:
Ippon will be scored for:
1. Submissions (chokes and armlocks)
2. 20s pins Waza-ari will be scored for:
1. High impact throws that would normally reach the standard of ippon.
2. 10s hold downs
*Throws that would normally reach the standard of waza-ari will not be scored.
Waza-ari-awasete-ippon will be in effect and we expect these special scoring rules to produce a gritty style of action that honors the Kosen tradition and emphasizes the skillful transition from tachi-waza to ne-waza.
The rules are set to ensure the safety of all competitors No exceptions.