The Study of Judo

The study of Judo is the study of your body, your mind and your heart.

Ultimately, it is the study of your character.

Judo has two major ideals: Maximum Efficiency and Mutual Benefit and Welfare.

Both of these are foundations created by Jigoro Kano is the goal of Judo, which is the “harmonious development and eventual perfection of one self’s character“.

Judo has several aspects: recreation, physical fitness, competition, self-defense, art, social activity, service, and many more. At some points during the Judoka’s training, the Judoka will concentrate on one or two of these. At other times, the Judoka will be working on several of these aspects. The important thing to remember is that Judo is big enough for all of these things.




Freestyle Judo Ritoru Tatsu Fight Club

Freestyle Judo Ritoru Tatsu Fight Club (FJRTFC) is a diverse and inclusive club, incorporating the many varied aspects of Judo.

The goal of our instructors is to help you get what you want and what you need out of Judo, and to put back into Judo what you can.

As a consequence, we have a Judo club that welcomes those studying Judo for any of its multitude of benefits. Most are interested in several, if not all, of the aspects of Judo.

Judo training is encouraged for men and women, boys and girls, regardless of age, gender, religion, background or physical condition.

It is imperative, however, that the Judoka’s inform the instructors of any physical condition which may require a modification of and to their training, specifically including but not limited to chronic injuries or illnesses which may affect their safety or the safety of their fellow Judokas, or others.

Dojo Kun (Rules of the Dojo)

1. Judoka’s must never use their Judo skill outside of Judo or Dojo, except in self-defense.

2. Judoka’s must show respect for themselves, their Sensei, their classmates, and most importantly, their family.

3. Judoka’s are responsible for their own safety, and the safety of all of their fellow classmates, throughout the class.

4. Judoka’s should bow (Rei) to all partners when beginning and finishing training sessions with them.

5. Uniforms should be clean, in good repair, and properly worn at all times. This includes keeping nails trimmed and bodies clean.

6. Courtesy and attentiveness are requirements for showing respect, and should be practiced in the Dojo at all times.

7. Judoka’s must rei (bow) onto and off of the practice mat when starting or ending a training session, and should not leave the mat without the permission of the Sensei or Senpai. Emergency situations are obviously an exception.

8. Judoka’s should be dressed and ready to participate when class time begins. If a student is running late, they may not come on the mat without the Sensei/Senpai bowing them on.

9. There will be no eating, drinking, or gum chewing on the practice area.

10. No jewelry or sharp objects to be worn on the mat. If you have a piercing which cannot be removed, it must be taped and covered in such a way that it presents no danger to yourself or fellow Judoka’s.

11. Questions are allowed, encouraged, and expected. Arguing with Sensei/Senpai or higher grade belts will not be tolerated at all.

12. It is discourteous, and unsafe, to turn your back to a partner. Judoka’s should face their partner at all times, including when adjusting their uniform. The exception to this is if modesty dictates turning away from them.


This courtesy is the opposite of most other Martial Arts. If a guest of another club, please follow their club rules. If we have guests, please allow for these differences.

13. REMEMBER. Judo training should be fun, but must always be taken seriously at all times, no horse play allowed within the Dojo.


The Syllabus can be downloaded here:

Little Badgers Grading Syllabus 2019_4-6 years.

Down Load from: Little Badgers Grading Syllabus 2019_4-6 years


Grading Syllabus for Age 7/8

Only for FJSAOA / EJA / JSA Registered and Licensed Provincial Players will be graded as per the Current Judo South Africa Belt Syllabus: