Membership Enrolment with Freestyle Judo Ritoru Tatsu Fight Club South Africa.

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Thank you for enrolling with Freestyle Judo Ritoru Tatsu Fight Club South Africa.

Freestyle Judo Ritoru Tatsu Fight Club South Africa


072 902 8233 E-mail: and/ or


The Freestyle Judo Ritoru Tatsu Fight Club South Africa is dedicated to the search for the most up-to date, effective and complete means of Freestyle Judo (Judo as it ought to be), Judo (IJF) self-defense training available.

Our members have a wide variety of martial arts backgrounds and different goals. But what these

members and U have in common is an open mind, commitment, broadening of theirs and you’re knowledge and experience in the martial arts of Freestyle Judo, Judo(IJF) and Kurash.

Helping you to become a more complete martial artist is the whole idea behind the Freestyle Judo Ritoru Tatsu Fight Club South Africa.


As a member, you will receive:

  • Access to a fair and inexpensive rank system
  • Newsletters, emails, and website packed with valuable training information
  • A wallet-sized membership card
  • An FJRTFCSA patch
  • Availability of Certified Coach and instructor certification and training programs
  • Availability of Certified Referee and Table Official certification and training programs
  • Notification of training camps and seminars by the Freestyle Judo South Africa Organization Alliance at the National the Freestyle Judo Ritoru Tatsu Fight Club South Africa Dojo, in Kempton Park , Gauteng, South Africa.

 To join, or to renew your membership, please complete this form in full to sign up